POMEgranate Magazine

Memories of Final Fantasy VII

After Square Enix’s E3 announcement regarding the second third newest Final Fantasy VII remake project, people pretty understandably lost their shit. Final Fantasy VII helped mold a generation of nerds into cosplayers, impractical sword / belt enthusiasts, and erotic fanfiction writers. Without Final Fantasy VII, would Steven Universe even exist? Would any Americans at all know about Gackt? Would the mid-aughts obsession with “bondage pants” have even happened nearly a decade after the game’s release? All of these things are possible, but Final Fantasy VII was a beautiful conduit for dorky weirdness that left a little imprint on all the baby nerds who devoted hours and hours of their adolescence to figuring out how to optimize digital bird sex, or how to not pee a little every time Emerald Weapon showed up.

POMEmag decided to think back fondly on our favorite parts of Final Fantasy VII, but to our surprise, the things that stood out most to us were a little less Aeris’ death and a little more “wow, for a guy who calls himself ‘One Winged Angel,’ Sephiroth sure has wings coming out the wazoo.” So from the highs of Cloud’s delightfully campy drag experience to the legit-terrifying-and-problematic sequences at the Honey Bee Inn, we present a thorough recap of the most important events of Final Fantasy VII, through our nostalgia-tinted lenses.



So anyway, if you need us, we’ll be over here anxiously waiting for this conduit to our childhoods to come out for a million years. But hey, it could be worse — it could be Kingdom Hearts 3.


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