Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!! Episode 1: Listener’s Companion

This blog post goes along with Moon Podcast Power: MAKE UP!! Episode 1 – David Lynch’s Sailor Moon Crystal. This is where we are dumping screenshots, goodies, and fun facts that go along with our podcast. We’re going through the episode from beginning to end, so you might want to have this blog post open along with the […]
Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!! – 01 – David Lynch’s Sailor Moon Crystal

Welcome to the first episode of Moon Podcast Power: MAKE UP!! CC and Ashley shepherd you into the beautiful, pastel, noodley-armed world of Sailor Moon Crystal and swap embarrassing childhood stories. Also: Mamoru: Suave, mysterious hunkasaurus, or weird teen who wears the same clothes every day? Queen Beryl: Fierce villain, or fiercest villain? Is it […]