Sidekicked Issue #34 – Star Wars Watch 2015 Episode III: Revenge of the Sequel

The boys of Sidekicked have seen Episode VII. They have thoughts. They have feelings. They have a review. SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! Sidekicked Roll Call: Vincent: Co-Host #StarWarsWatch2015 #PoeOrgana David: Co-Host #StarWarsWatch2015 #KyloKenobi Rachel: Designer #UkuleleWitch #StarWarsWatch2015 #FinnSkywalker Gabe Spookwell: Music #MusicGunslinger #StarWarsWatch2015 #ReySolo HQ: #UkuleleSpells #MoonPodcastPowerMAKEUP Sidekicked comics is part of the POMEcast network, without […]