Omega 4 Replay: Episode 12

Footnote: ~Let us grieve for Kaiden Kaidan Alink, uh, Alenko — Squadmate, companion, and friend. His watch has ended; may his eternal thirst be quenched by the River Styx~ < Previous – Archive – Next > This article is part of POMEmag Space Week 2017.
7 Reasons Why General Leia Organa is the Hero We Need (and Deserve) Right Now

This article is part of POMEmag Space Week 2017. A long time ago, in an elementary school classroom far, far away, a TV/VHS combo (you know the kind) rolled into my classroom and everything changed. The last days of my fifth-grade year had arrived, and along with it came a discovery a year […]
Out There #5

This article is part of POMEmag Space Week 2017. < Previous – Archive
Planets Just Like Us

This article is part of POMEmag Space Week 2017. moons are out tonight orbiting softly, unseen just beyond planets just like us sometimes i think we are just planets drifting further away from each other softly, unseen in orbit far away from us