POMEgranate Magazine

6 Ingenious Makeup Storage Tips for Extremely Lazy Slobs

Does your bathroom overfloweth with a bounty of disorganized makeup brushes, mismatched eye shadow palettes, and crusty, dried up tubes of mascara? Are you tired of ransacking your cupboards for one of the three lipsticks you actually wear (out of the dozen or so you bought on sale at a grocery store and swear you’ll use someday)? You could probably benefit from a tutorial on determining whether or not your ancient eyeliner pens are going to give you an eye infection, but this is not that tutorial. I mean, makeup isn’t cheap! What if you finally learn how to contour and regret throwing away that $7 bottle of two-shades-lighter-than-your-skin-tone foundation you bought in 2009?

Besides — some people are naturally glamorous and only need a dab of blush or a quick swipe of eyeliner to feel like the most babely person in the room. But a lot of us rely on our vast collections of cosmetic products to give us that healthy, vaguely human glow. These 6 ingenious, space-saving DIY makeup storage tips will help you justify holding onto all that jank-ass makeup so long that your family eventually buries you with it.



Tip #1: Vintage Cosmetics Display Tray

This simple cosmetic tray is ridiculously easy to throw together — all you need is that quaint, adorable vintage decorative plate you definitely already had in your house and totally didn’t purchase specifically for this purpose.

What you need for this step:

How to assemble:

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Tip #2: Canine-Powered Makeup Caddy

This makeup caddy is both super cute and super portable. Plus, you’ll be able to finally really get your money’s worth on that pet deposit — super thrifty!!

What you need for this step:

How to assemble:

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Tip #3: Quaint “Bird’s Nest” Storage Basket

The best DIY projects are made from everyday objects you can find throughout your home. Naturally, you want to use simple items you already have in abundance, right? Well look no further, because all those globs of your own hair littered throughout your bathroom will finally come in handy.

What you need:

How to assemble:

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Tip #4: Extra Large Porcelain Makeup Storage Chest

Sometimes your makeup collection is too vast to contain through conventional storage methods alone. This chest can accommodate a wide range of cosmetics using a single appliance you probably already use every day.

What you need:

How to assemble:

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Tip #5: “Nature’s Pocket” Storage Rack

This storage tip makes your cosmetics impossible to lose and accessible to you at all times.

What you need:

How to assemble:

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Tip #6: Succumb To The Void

Accept that you’re a shining trash beacon in the bleakness of space. Become one with your trash. Live your best trash life. Continue to purchase shitty cosmetics and never throw anything away.

What you need:

How to assemble:

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We hope these genius organizing tips help you get your shit together and thrive in a clutter-free environment — because it’s critical that you keep your enormous cosmetics stash hidden from the gaze of men, no matter what.

Look, the important thing is to maintain your hotness at all times, so naturally you have to keep purchasing as much makeup as you can carry in a futile attempt to correct those unforgivable character flaws, like large pores, or visible capillaries, or tactile skin. Are you the kind of callous, unfeeling creature who consigns dudes to the fate of looking at your ghoulish, bare-faced visage? Of course not! But leaving brow pencils or moisturizing primers on your counter is basically as bad as going to a formal event in flats instead of heels. It’s the first crack in the veneer that keeps people from learning that you’re just a regular, greasy, flaky human being, and not a effortlessly dewy, eternally ageless elf queen.

Luckily, unlike living your life as a self-identified woman in this patriarchal hellscape, there’s no right way to organize your makeup. So find the system that works best for you — as long as you keep on burying your assorted beauty products in your bathroom like the feelings you bury in your non-compliant heart.


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