Welcome back to Romance Roundtable: a feature where the editorial POME Crones gather together to discuss Romance Manga. Today we’re swooning over Daily Report About My Witch Senpai by Maka Mochida — a sweet love story about an office witch, her hot coworker, and the greatest and most supportive wing-iguana BFF anyone could ever ask for.
CC: I can’t wait to talk about this magical book!!! ✨✨
Jenny: it was so cuuuuuuuute!!!
Rachel: extremely cute!!
Jenny: i’ve got the back cover for summary:

Rachel: this iguana is living my dream
Rachel: this iguana is living my dream
CC: my favorite character
Rachel: LOL i also have this screenshot
can i just say, the background gags in this book are great
Rachel: what is this phone background?? is it the iguana???
CC: LOL I was also wondering!!!
Jenny: i genuinely cannot tell! looks like maybe a frog? but baby iguana would make more sense
but yes, the basic summary is: good witch tries hard, nice boy notices and falls in love
there’s a little bit of drama with the good witch’s ex-bf, but mostly the book is set up v episodic, short chapters that capture little moments between the good witch and the nice boy as they grow closer
CC: i was gonna say
i really loved this book and it is so gentle and sweet and full of small moments
but the ex drama got me hooked LOL
Rachel: oh man can we talk about this mother fucker
Jenny: yeah he sucked
CC: [cracking all of my knuckles]
Rachel: this is a RED FUCKING FLAG
“she never argued with me, so it was NICE BEING WITH HER”
[screaming into the void]
CC: what a message to take away from being left on read
Jenny: these fucking messages
“i’m still waiting for your reply”
“please, i just want to see you one time so we can talk”
shut the fuck up
stay away from her.meme
CC: absolutely agree w iguana friend on this one:
CC: would that we all had a talking iguana to warn us away from bad-for-us exes
Rachel: god all the iguana faces are so good
Jenny: KOMACHI!!!
i love her
talk about what got us hooked–this book really came alive for me when komachi showed up
Jenny: what an entrance
CC: half of my screenshots are of komachi
Rachel: real Luna vibes
CC: absolutely L O L
Jenny: lol yes!!
and same cc
CC: queen baby
Rachel: just, the dream!!
also, this was the real clencher for me
when i knew Komachi was all of us
CC: amazing, yes, agreed
be my friend komachi
Jenny: i have this same shot but incredible that komachi is actually making her invite him back to their place
Rachel: the SCREM
for intel!!!
god i love it
that’s me
CC: the most relatable character
ok but can we talk a little bit more about the ex bf
i think the way this story handles him is so interesting
I like that we’re holding a lot of truths here!
1. his behavior was unacceptable
2. he sucks
3. he didn’t mean to suck but alas
4. hoshino still needs to stand up for herself and it is good that she did
5. maybe he’ll be better in the future but that’s not her problem lol
Rachel: YEAH
this moment
CC: yeah no redeeming that
Rachel: like did she actually ever even agree to date you again????
Jenny: “you know you’re my girlfriend, right?” no???? i don’t know????
CC: just escalating the situation
IDK if I buy that he didn’t know she’d be uncomfortable contradicting him
Jenny: yeah i feel like he specifically said he likes her bc she never contradicts him
he knows
CC: yeah for real
I really appreciate the contrast between these 2 pages
Jenny: oh my godddd cc your brain is so big
i didn’t even notice but yeah!!!
comics are so good y’all
Rachel: WOWWWW
this comic does a lot of really good Comic Things i like
CC: aw shucks
but also, yes!! love the contrast in the panels and the layouts and the writing
Rachel: i think also, showing magic in b&w is hard, but this comic does it so easily!!
Rachel: this little moment!!
Jenny: lol yess!!!!
Jenny: also
Jenny: apples again, huh?
i love her
CC: this whole dang page
Jenny: there are so many screenshots i took that are like full pages, or like whole spreads
everything is just laid out so beautifully
CC: the screentones are so gorg that somehow the page feels colorful even in b/w
the sparkle of magic, like what you were saying rachel
Jenny: yes!! at the end — the author’s note where they’re like “y’all i just love drawing starts and this book gave me so many excuses to put stars everywhere” — incredibly effective!!
CC: the stars!!!!
CC: lovelyyyyyy
Jenny: this was such a cute moment too!
Rachel: also i love the classic dummy who is too stupid to realize he’s falling for the girl
gotta be one of the greatest tropes of all time
Jenny: also loved that they were BOTH the dummy in this relationship
CC: even after they’re hanging out a lot and pretty much dating
Jenny: like, he figures it out, and then she deals w all this ex-bf drama, and then she has to figure out that she likes him too!
CC: they’re both kinda like, could this be a date??? nahhh, i’m gonna ignore the vibes and stick with this thirdhand information
Jenny: lol yes!
CC: ok that’s fair but the hardheadedness on both sides is v cute imo
Jenny: it is!! it’s cute!
Rachel: even the little brother can recognize what is happening!!
Jenny: LOL YES i have this same shot
CC: i love the little bro
Rachel: classic little brother energy
classic single tiny sharp tooth energy
Jenny: yes yes yes
also loved this moment towards the end
Rachel: LOL YES
Jenny: why did a simple brush of our fingers make me react like this?? surely romance manga holds the answers
CC: i love this trope
“oh no what is this feeling in my chest, better consult some romance manga”
i am a simple woman i eat it up every time
Jenny: works every time!!
lol yes!!
CC: clapping my hands like a seal at the zoo
Jenny: LOL
CC: ok i have another good one of these
CC: top 10 favorite tropes here
Jenny: who could possibly say???
CC: lol i did this
maybe that’s why i like it
i’ve done that
Rachel: oh yes extremely relatable
Jenny: lololol
CC: “why is this person i have a crush on cuter???? did they just become cute yesterday or????”
Rachel: we are all this dummy at some point
CC: what a mystery
Rachel: also, i want to talk about how good Misono is
Jenny: he is a nice boy!!
CC: this is my emotional support work bf
Jenny: “i want to do this for you”
Rachel: i love how many panels there are of him looking directly into the readers’ eyes and saying something swoony worthy
Rachel: that’s good shit
Jenny: this artist knows what they’re doing!!!
CC: love missiles calibrated
Rachel: both the protag and us, the readers, deserve to be spoken to kindly and loved!!!
CC: another thing i really liked was the chapter at the end
I like that we see that he realizes what hoshino is going through because he too had to learn how to ask for help
Jenny: yeah! getting a little more insight into his history was so good!
CC: love a serious & thoughtful lad
Jenny: not naturally outgoing but had to learn how to fake it for work
tries his best at everything he does
but tbh the part that really made me love him:
CC: oh I have this screenshot too!
Rachel: the little iguana puppet 😭
Jenny: so cute!!
CC: cute ❤️ iguana corner
i also really appreciate that he realizes he likes her and makes a decision to hang out with her more
makes plans with her
showing some follow-through: we love to see it
and even after the jerk ex bf destroys the cookies he gave her
CC: swoon
Jenny: with his and komachi’s powers combined, this good witch will fall in love!
CC: love spell ;__;
Jenny: love spell to entertain me, a bored iguana
Jenny: i mean, it’s komachi’s expert matchmaking that leads to this little moment:
Jenny: “invite him over for hot pot” she said. “i need intel” she said
CC: the genious
Rachel: also, i love it when characters have little beauty marks
Jenny: really feels so personal!
but nice boy aside, i did really feel like the heart of this comic was the friendship between our good witch and her familiar
Jenny: personally
i just love friendship
CC: what a supportive buddy
i love that they both love comedies too
love a callback
Jenny: they have good taste!
Rachel: it’s so nice!!
also, i will admit, i was very meh about this art when we first picked it
but it really grew on me!!
the art is so gorgeous!!
Jenny: agreed!!
Rachel: i think i was turned off by what i thought would be the typical same face syndrome of a lot of manga
and maybe it was all Komachi, but the comic really won me over
Jenny: there’s so much personality in this iguana’s face! no other face could ever!
CC: lol truly
Jenny: look at this side eye!
honestly komachi was drawn so lovingly — i loved it
CC: also helps to have such a small cast – but that made the story feel much more focused and personal imo
Jenny: oooh! yes!
CC: it makes me curious about how this book can branch out and stay interesting, bc even tho i love a small story, that can be tricky to do!
reminds me a bit of sweat and soap, which i think navigates that line really well
of being INCREDIBLY low stakes but stays incredibly compelling throughout its run
Rachel: ohh yes a great comparison!
CC: without a lot of gimmicks or tension. got through all those volumes and kept thinking “how can this keep being so fun when technically nothing dramatic is happening???”
but as it turns out, a beautifully drawn, compelling panelled love story can keep you turning the page on its own!
Jenny: true! and in fairness there is a rich media history of what shenanigans can come up between a normie and his witch wife (i am talking about bewitched) (edited)
though this book doesn’t really rely on her being a witch for much plot-wise
CC: that is a great point though!
maybe that’s what volume 2 on will explore more
the ~ * ~ lore ~ * ~
Jenny: i would love to see it
Rachel: i’m definitely curious because the perception of witches in this world has not been super well established
like, it’s normal enough to not be a huge shock, but also enough to make you ostracized a bit
Jenny: yeah the only other one we see is a wizard who used to work at the ex-bf’s old branch?
or possibly–is the little brother a wizard?
Rachel: i’m very curious!!
CC: yeah you’d think they have to be common enough that folks are used to them / not freaked out about magic
Jenny: yeah! would love to learn more in vol 2 frankly!
CC: yeah I’m interested in where this series goes next!
but with that said….are yall ready for final thoughts?
Rachel: i’m ready!
CC: i have one already if yall don’t mind
Rachel: go for it!
CC: but I’m also wondering if we all have the same one
with that in mind:
this book’s thesis and also mine, in general
Jenny: lol a great point!
CC: she’s right and she should say it
Romance Roundtable’s thesis
we did it
well, that and “where are the parents”
the ethos that drives us
Rachel: lollll
well, this is a great final thought
mine is much less wholesome
and world weary
me, after a 5 minute break to pet my dogs during the working day
CC: lolsob
love the kid pointing
a shame that even witches cannot be free of capitalism
Jenny: !!!!!
everyone works too hard
my final thought is also my beginning thought and my middle thought
i love komachi
everyone needs a komachi in their lives
Jenny: be mean to me, lovingly
CC: truly
love a tough love friend who is equal parts tough and love
a beautiful balance
esp when friend is an animal familiar
Rachel: i like to think that if my dog could talk, he’d be like komachi
Jenny: really wish my dog could talk
Rachel: the amount of sighing that Thomas does
definitely has “what an idiot (lovingly)” vibes
(i tell myself)
Join us next time for even more love story shouting in our next Romance Roundtable! In the meantime, Monthly Ko-Fi members: head on over to Ko-Fi for just a few bonus goofs that didn’t make it into today’s roundtable, as a treat.
All images via Daily Report About My Witch Senpai by Maka Mochida, unless otherwise specified.