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Things Younger Than The Kingdom Hearts Franchise

Younger than Kingdom Hearts featured

Supposedly, Kingdom Hearts 3 officially comes out today (in Japan, but will be released stateside on Tuesday; thanks a lot, misleading Google search results!!) For the first time in 14 years, fans will get to delve into a brand-new, whole number-numbered installment of Disney and Square Enix’s ultimate team-up video game series. But it’s been almost two decades since the release of the original Kingdom Hearts. Want to feel your bones crumbling to dust in real time? To help you contextualize the portion of your life you might have spent waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3, here’s a handy list of events, inventions, extinctions, and other cultural touchstones that have taken place throughout those intervening years.

In no particular order: THINGS AS OLD AS, OR YOUNGER THAN, KINGDOM HEARTS 1 (2002)

In no particular order: THINGS AS OLD AS, OR YOUNGER THAN, KINGDOM HEARTS 2 (2005)

If you want to age 40 more years in one day, head on over to our Patreon to get even more context for how long you’ve waited for Kingdom Hearts 3. Plus: screenshots of the old Kingdom Hearts websites and a list of famous people who were actual babies when the first game can ame out. Go recharge, steal some hapless anime teens’ hearts, and get some quality Waiting 17 Years For A Video Game catharsis.

Original featured image source: iconic Britney/Justin denim ensemble via Jeffrey Mayer / WireImage, by way of Buzzfeed. Kingdom Hearts characters via Square Enix / Disney.

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