Space Birds

This article is part of POMEmag Space Week 2017.


When the Earth's nature gets hurt more by pollution, a special group of birds from space comes to Earth to save those poor plants...the flowers, the air. Earth Birds are really thankful for them. Even though Space Birds have no time to be thanked, they float in space and are always ready. Ready to help the Earth.

Silvia Carrus

Silvia Carrus

Silvia Carrus is an Italian cartoonist that loves to make comics about animals, feminism and sometimes a mixture of both.
A collage featuring the top 10 crones of the year for 2023.

Crones of the Year 2023

As we spiral ever further towards certain catastrophe on this interminable mortal coil, there are some lights of hope that pass fleetingly by. Most often: the crones or otherwise eternal baddies found in all of our favorite escapist media. And so we present our top ten 2023 Crones of the Year.

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POMEgranate Magazine