POMEgranate Magazine

Abortion Facts

You might have noticed that the Texas Lege can just make up whatever they want to about women’s health, Planned Parenthood, and abortion services. Just yesterday, the state decided to block Planned Parenthood clinics from Medicaid funds because of recent “sting” videos created (and poorly edited together) by a staunchly anti-choice organization. Here are the cliffnotes about the state’s decision:

There are a few problems with these sentiments:

In conclusion: Planned Parenthood has been facing a coordinated attack from anti-choice legislators on both a national and state level. These legislators can, apparently, just do or say whatever they want, and their feels are more important than both actual evidence and legal precedent.

But hey, it’s fine. If the actual truth doesn’t work for them, conservative legislators in Texas can decide on an entirely new truth, regardless of evidence. Then they can take all that stuff they made up and turn it into state law. So in the spirit of the Texas Lege, I am going to make up a bunch of myths about abortion so that I can bring you around to my way of thinking. I mean, I’m not an AM radio shock jock-turned-Lieutenant Governor or a state representative from Temple, Texas, but I hope that you’ll take me as seriously as you’d take either of those venerable sources of reproductive health knowledge.

Plus, this list has plenty of sad photos. If the brochures from Crisis Pregnancy Centers are any indication, adding sad photographs to bullshit medical advice makes it 1000% more legitimate. Seriously, who are you going to trust — healthcare providers with a lengthy history of providing trustworthy care to people in need, or an angry, loud blowhard on the internet? Yeah. I thought so.

The following statements about abortion are 100% false:

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