Afternoon Snack

If you’re in the US, welcome back from the annual time of eating-too-much-and-napping! If you’re outside the US, welcome back to Monday! It’s Afternoon Snack!



So many of us grew up watching Toonami and the Super Seiyan power-ups of Dragon Ball Z, but black men in particular have a connection to the show that’s endured decades.



On the Post-Weinstein reckoning, and how we can examine our own complicity in the system that degrades us.



In 2016, Poison Ivy got her own mini-series, and the struggle of female creators at DC against abusers like Eddie Berganza (who was unexpectedly editing the book) came to inform much of the story. Amy Chu, the writer on the series, had her run cancelled, despite exceeding sales expectations. Shitty dudes ruin everything.






Hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah!!!



That’s it for now, y’all. Back to our endless supply of holiday leftovers!

Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.
A collage featuring the top 10 crones of the year for 2023.

Crones of the Year 2023

As we spiral ever further towards certain catastrophe on this interminable mortal coil, there are some lights of hope that pass fleetingly by. Most often: the crones or otherwise eternal baddies found in all of our favorite escapist media. And so we present our top ten 2023 Crones of the Year.

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POMEgranate Magazine