Afternoon Snack

Welcome back to Afternoon Snack! Your weekly round-up of good shit that we saw on the internet last week.

The wholesome content you need on a dreary Monday — doggie MAKEOVERS. (Question, how do we get the Fab 5 to tackle doggie makeovers in Season 4??)

Thank you 1994, for giving us this precious clip of Keanu Reeves responding to the question “what sort of girls do you like?”.

BIG SPOILERS FOR THE GOOD PLACE, but an excellent article on the Good Ship Eleanor/Chidi.

More RENT coverage, but this time from the woman who’s story and book the musical was ripped from.

“Once something is on the nose, it’s no longer radical, because it’s easily containable. And when ideas require social transformations and repositioning of hierarchies, that’s when they are in the position to create real change, and that’s when they become repressed.”

Surprising no one, Marie Kondo has an absolutely amazing, super organized skin care routine.

We choose to believe that JVN and Michelle Kwan are definitely YOI fans.

Over two thousand workers have been laid off from media jobs in the last two weeks, and the hellscape we all live in continues to worsen.

On some deep millennial nerd shit with this Tamora Pierce merch?? In 2019????

Rachel Weiss

Rachel Weiss

Rachel is a designer and artist from Texas. She is pro-feminism, pro-crones, and pro-dogs. She's also Boss Crone at POMEgranate Magazine, and one day hopes to be able to drink her tea without so much milk and sugar.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine