Hello, POMEs! Take a break from your long day of doing ~whatever it is you’re up to~ and join us for a tasty Afternoon Snack!
Because today is a special Doing Weed day, we took a few minutes to learn about the extreme over-growing of weed that’s happening in Oregon, causing prices to drop significantly. The west coast may not have any toilet paper or Lysol, but we got plenty of drugs to help us forget!
Celebrities REALLY ARE just like us!
I change my clothes more frequently in Animal Crossing than in real life.
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) April 16, 2020
In other Animal Crossing news, our friends over at Sartorial Geek are hosting an island-hopping meetup as part of this week’s Quarantine #SGFashionFix challenge. Check out the challenge on their Instagram for super cute looks and a chance to win prizes!
While you’re preparing for Animal Crossing visitors, check out Getty’s Animal Crossing art generator, which helps you decorate your house with any of the world-class art in Getty’s Musuem’s online archive!
If you’re going a little stir crazy and need some kind and actually fun encouragement to move your body and listen to your brain, POME fave Robyn at Geek Girl Strong has just the thing with her soon-to-launch Healthy Geek Academy podcast! Hit that subscribe button, and future you will thank you.
Feeling a little bit like a raw nerve in a vacuum? This poetry comic sees you. More poetry comics!!
I made this poem comic last month with @chrissywilliams. It's called the First of Many and it's about grief and isolation. It feels appropriate right now. So here it is for free. pic.twitter.com/U3FKw6XJoc
— Tom Humberstone (@TomHumberstone) April 14, 2020
If you need a laugh, this stunning portrait of a rich Austin ding-dong getting stuck alone in the ghost town he bought for completely unknown reasons is very likely to get you going. At the very least, click through for the saddest yeehaw snowman of all time.
Underwood says he was aware of the 22-building town’s violent reputation when he bought it, adding that it once had one murder per week. A TV show called “Ghost Adventures” once investigated the town and found that it was haunted by the ghosts of two children who died after being trapped in a closet.
“I stay in the room with the child ghosts,” says Underwood, “but I have yet to see them.”