It’s the first Monday morning after Daylight Savings Time in the US, so we know y’all could use a little pick-me-up. Take a break and join us for a perfectly caffeinated Afternoon Snack.
To start: We will support all himbos and all himbo merch until the end of time and so can you!!!
what if I
— ???? Josh !! ???? (@joshcornillon) March 9, 2021
made some shirts?
In extremely “the worst person you know has a point, actually” energy, Senator Marco Rubio and a handful of colleagues have once again introduced a bill to make Daylight Savings Time permanent. Maybe give your senators a ring if you also would like to be spared the pain of acutely perceiving time twice a year?
While we here at POME are, shall we say, Known to Crone, we still thoroughly enjoy the insights of the Youths. In the two-year anniversary of her newsletter Gen Yeet, Terry Nguyen reflects on the our collective future as creatives:
A potential solution to our current state of estrangement — as content consumers and creators — is to move away from commodified communities towards the collective. In his 2011 paper “From Community to Collective: Institution and Agency in the Age of Social Networks,” researcher Douglas Thomas established the difference between communities and collectives. What separates them is that “investments in communities are structured to flow from the individual to the institution, while investments in collectives are structured to flow from institution to individual.” I found a significant part of Thomas’s analysis to be quite dated (it was published in 2011), but the term distinctions were fascinating. Collectives celebrate a person’s autonomy, since their presence adds value to the institution as a whole. Meanwhile, communities rely on exclusion to attract individuals, whose independent value is extracted for the greater benefit of said institution.
Nguyen also briefly touches on the hot topic of the day, NFTs, and if you (like us) need a thorough explanation of how that all even works, we cannot recommend enough this explainer by digital artist Everest Pipkin, aptly titled: “This Is the Article You Can Send to People When They Say, ‘But the Environmental Issues with Cryptoart Will Be Solved Soon, Right?’“
Switching gears to art news that is good, we highly encourage you to throw money at this new Kickstarter comic anthology, Cry Punch Comics, featuring POME fave David Brothers, among many other exciting talents! I think we can all get behind the energy of both crying and punching, simultaneously.
We leave you with, perhaps, the ultimate crying and punching content: a new-to-us Sailor Moon interview podcast, Sailor Moon Fan Club, who also have adorable merch and, clearly, impeccable taste:
Tuxedo Mask Prince Endymion
— Sailor Moon Fan Club (@mooniesclub) March 14, 2021