POMEgranate Magazine

International Sailor Moon Day Austin 2018: An Announcement

Dear ISMD Austin attendees,

You might have noticed that we have been pretty quiet about ISMD Austin this year. We are sorry to tell you that we will not be hosting an International Sailor Moon Day Austin 2018.

For the past three years, we have loved hosting this truly unique event — a celebration of Sailor Moon that brought people together, whether they were big fans of the series or casual viewers with a lot of nostalgia. We worked hard to create an accessible, inclusive, and above all, a safe environment for everyone who attended. We’re proud of what we have achieved through International Sailor Moon Day Austin and we’re glad we could spend this time with all of you.

the crowd at International Sailor Moon Day Austin 2016
The crowd at ISMD Austin 2016! Photo by Erika Rich

We are no longer hosting ISMD Austin for several reasons. First and foremost, each year, the size of our event has drastically grown and has surpassed the Highball’s capacity, and we were unable to locate a larger venue offering similar amenities within our limited budget. We didn’t feel that it would be appropriate to crowdfund the event, but at the same time, we knew that part of ISMD Austin’s appeal was that we did not charge admission. After examining every option, we decided that it would be better to discontinue ISMD Austin than to host an event that wouldn’t have the same atmosphere and tone you’ve come to expect from us.

Additionally, the worldwide date for International Sailor Moon Day was moved from August to late June, which condensed the timeline for our new venue search. As much as we’ve loved International Sailor Moon Day, POMEmag is first and foremost a small press and digital content publisher, and this June date conflicted with the launch of our latest (and largest) print project, Group Chat.

From the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful to the vendors, volunteers, and friends who supported International Sailor Moon Day Austin and helped us build this wonderful event. We never expected this event to grow so much and so quickly, and we couldn’t have done it without you. All of us here at POMEmag hope to plan more events in the future that will be as accessible, inclusive, and fun as International Sailor Moon Day Austin. We sincerely hope you’ll stay tuned for all the cool stuff we’ll be working on next.

In the name of the moon, we will remember all the wonderful memories we created with you. We wish you a happy International Sailor Moon Day 2018 — whether you attend one of the other International Sailor Moon Day events or spend some time celebrating the magical friends in your own life.

Yours in love & friendship,

The whole editorial coven here at POMEgranate Magazine

The POMEmag coven. From left to right: CC, Rachel, Ashley, and Jenny. Photo by Erika Rich.
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