My Experience with Endometriosis Part 1: Getting a Diagnosis

My Experience with Endometriosis Part 1 - Ashley suspects something is wrong and goes to the doctor, who determines that she has two uterine cysts. My Experience with Endometriosis Part 1 - Ashley learns about how common endometriosis is (1 in 10 people with uteruses!) and gets an MRI. My Experience with Endometriosis Part 1 - Ashley deals with the misinformation surrounding endometriosis and tries to investigate her diagnosis further. My Experience with Endometriosis Part 1 - Ashley recovers from surgery but may need more in the future.


Part 2Part 3 ->

Ashley R. Guillory

Ashley R. Guillory

Ashley is an illustrator, comic and storyboard artist from Seattle currently living her dream in sunny Burbank, CA. You can find her working most days in her book filled hollow in the company of her black cat.
A collage featuring the top 10 crones of the year for 2023.

Crones of the Year 2023

As we spiral ever further towards certain catastrophe on this interminable mortal coil, there are some lights of hope that pass fleetingly by. Most often: the crones or otherwise eternal baddies found in all of our favorite escapist media. And so we present our top ten 2023 Crones of the Year.

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POMEgranate Magazine