Batman has been around for over 75 years, and has appeared in many different forms. Animated, live action, and print. At first glance, a Batman story told using building blocks seems like a fun YouTube clip, but a hard sell for a movie. To Vincent and David’s pleasant surprise, this might have been one of the greatest Batman stories ever crafted.
Sidekicked Roll Call:
Vincent: Co-Host
David: Co-Host
Rachel: Designer #UkuleleWitch @rachelvice
Gabe Spookwell: Music #MusicGunslinger –
Twitter: @side_kicked | Instagram: sidekickedcomics | Email:
Sidekicked comics is part of the POMEcast network, without whom none of this would be possible. Our logo was created by Rachel @rachelvice. Our music was created by Gabe Spookwell – Most importantly, we would like to thank our listeners. Thank you for all your support!