Afternoon Snack

It’s been quite the week, and it’s only Tuesday! Here are the internet tidbits keeping us going through the morass!

POME fave Mira Ong Chua has announced THREE new books coming out in the next couple of years, with the next one, The Cosmic Ballad of Layla and Airy, set to drop this fall!!!!!! Gosh, what a blessing!

If you’re reading this post, the onslaught of transantagonism in the US and abroad is surely not news to you. We don’t claim to have solutions for any of it, but if someone you love is genuinely confused and needs a little guidance, or if you’re building an arsenal of evidence to protect trans kids, you will get a lot out of this extensive overview of research on puberty blockers over the past few decades. (Spoiler alert: no one had a problem with them when they were being prescribed to cis kids. 🙃)

Do you like sci-fi and dark fantasy? Do you like incredible comics art from rising stars and longtime faves? Then you’re without a doubt going to want to throw your money at the just-launched Kickstarter for Dagger Dagger vol. 2.

Whoa!!! Apparently an extremely well-preserved dinosaur leg potentially dating to the actual moment of mass extinction by meteorite were found in North Dakota (with a handful of other fossils). Details, and a truly Disney-world-turkey-leg looking photo after the cut.

More and more workers are getting vocal about their rights and we absolutely positively LOVE to see it! Every! Single! Time!

And last but not least, for all the shitty bosses out there: have a taste of some legal percussion!

Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine