Afternoon Snack

Happy Monday, POMEs! Love is in the air, and so is viral marketing (now that SXSW is underway). Join us for a lovely little respite of links and articles to edify you as you start your week.



Dog wedding!!!! We repeat: DOG WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



Image via Buzzfeed


Love is real. ;o;



Celebrate Women’s History Month with these 16 women not giving a shit about the patriarchy.



[Some of] the women behind Final Fantasy XV!!!




The Hidalgo Democratic Party is taking a stand against Texas’ SB6 bill.


Susto, Episode 3 – Duendes



Buffy is turning 20 this year (if you needed more reasons to feel a thousand years old, fellow long-in-the-tooth millennials). The Atlantic takes us back to The Body: the absolute saddest and most jarring episode of Buffy throughout its seven season run.



If you’re here in Austin for SXSW, you might have noticed the creepy IRL handmaids soundlessly wandering through the festival this year. Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale series debuts on April 26th.



The nicest political news we’ve heard in what feels like years: Irish politicians love Beyoncé (especially Halo).



State Representative Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, is a treasure and Number One Coolest Legislator At the Texas Lege, is protesting Texas’s onerous, disingenuous women’s health bills. Via the Texas Tribune:


That’s why the the Houston Democrat on Friday filed House Bill 4260, which would fine men $100 for masturbating and create a required booklet for men with medical information related to the benefits and concerns of a man seeking a vasectomy, a Viagra prescription or a colonoscopy. The bill would also let doctors invoke their “personal, moralistic, or religious beliefs” in refusing to perform an elective vasectomy or prescribe Viagra, among other proposed requirements in the bill.


The booklet is called “A Man’s Right To Know” and mirrors anti-women’s health bunk science the Texas Lege pushes every session. Bless u, Rep. Farrar.




That’s all we’ve got, POMEs! See you back here for even more links to snack on next week.


Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine