Afternoon Snack

International Sailor Moon Day is over and WOW WE HAD SO MUCH FUN. We cannot even begin to express how much it meant to all of us to see you there, and to see this community come together like that. Y’all are the best. While we take some time to recuperate, let’s dig into our weekly internet-sustenance.



This IRL Dream Daddy



A very good article about queer stories in rural spaces, and how the urban queer isn’t the only representation that we need to see.



Babes Fest 2017 took place here in Austin, TX, and it was SO GREAT!! We love the #bossbabes community here, and are always so thankful for their constant support and the incredible community they foster for women-identified humans. We’re so glad that this year’s Babes Fest was better than ever!



Friend-of-POME, Forest+Ink, has a new amazing Kickstarter where you can get your very own TAMAGOTCHI SAILOR SCOUT PINS. So many of the stretch goals have been met, so there are even more extended options to choose from!!


Memes are real, and I am both thankful and a little horrified. Don’t talk to me or my large adult son ever again!!!!



Holy moly, y’all.



WOW, what a bait and switch (thread). Basically a bunch of GeekGirlCon volunteers quit and emailed their whole attendee list to tell them they did it because of racism and sexism, but failed to mention initially it was racism against white people and sexism against men — they felt the con, which is organized by many WoC, does not do enough to cater to white women and men???? They did not mention that the racism and sexism they were mentioning was regarding white people and men until people started to say it was fishy as hell. They responded to these claims by saying they… have black friends???? Uh anyway, wow.



That’s it for now, y’all! We’ll be putting together all the photos from our Sailor Moon Day event and sharing them soon, but in the meantime take care of yourselves and each other. You’re all amazing!!!


Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine