American Snack

The Fourth of July may be over, but hey, you probably have some barbecue leftovers hanging out in your fridge, right? If not, why not grab some fast food and hang out with us? Trust us, there’s no better time for an Afternoon Snack. Here are some Very American links to munch on as you slog through your post-holiday haze.



Let’s kick things off with some tunes, shall we? Listen along to America’s favorite musical about the American Revolution as we munch:








While this American treasure may be gone from our contemporary internets, will live on forever in our hearts (and through Wayback Machine). Shine on, you crazy crying eagles, shine on.


(Fun fact:  this site disappeared in APRIL OF 2016. We got 15 years of mileage out of those crying eagle gifs).



Americans in anime (note: lots of f-bombs in the first video):




Don’t be cruel, you effin’ cowboy!



Next up in our list of Very American (and, incidentally, British) things: cultural appropriation! Everybody’s all a-buzz about those new American Harry Potter houses, but Native folks are speaking up about some of the biggest issues with this new expansion of Rowling’s beloved wizarding world. Loralee Sepsey’s “Dear JK Rowling: We’re Still Here” is a painfully clear inventory of how the American wizarding world erases and whitewashes Native cultures.


Dear JK Rowling: We’re Still Here



We’re all pretty stoked that Captain America isn’t actually a Nazi, so here is one of CC’s favorite longreads about how Cap is the progressive superhero we need, not the Libertarian rando we deserve.



Most of us Millennials spent our entire childhood under the Bush administration and our young adulthoods with President Obama — a lot of us voted for Obama in our first presidential election. Here’s a look back at some of President Obama’s best unscripted moments from the past 8 years.



Presented without comment: Velveeta queso.



Also presented without comment:  Hilary Clinton says goodbye to The Toast:

A note on The Toast



Happy (belated) Fourth of July, American POMEs and non-American POMEs alike. We leave you with this, the best god-awful piece of Americana in music video form:


Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine