POMEpress is proud to announce the Kickstarter for our newest book: Comrade Himbo. Comrade Himbo is a collection of nineteen moving comics and illustrations about socially conscious beefcakes coming together to support the collective needs and basic dignity of humanity. The Comrade Himbo Kickstarter launches on Saturday, May 1st! Follow the Kickstarter today to be notified when the campaign goes live (and for a better chance at getting those early backer rewards)! Or, keep reading to see why Comrade Himbo is here for you.
What is Comrade Himbo?
Comrade Himbo is a 130+ page comics and illustration anthology full of pure-intentioned himbos of all genders, who are thicc of thigh and even thiccer of heart. Here at POMEpress, we strive to publish the sincere and heartfelt work we most want to read. And with Comrade Himbo, we want to show that even though our country is broken, we can and must keep fighting.
But also, we just wanted to make a book about good hunks trying their best.
Why Do I Need Comrade Himbo In My Life?
The past year has really hammered home the fact that no one accomplishes anything alone. As we watch mutual aid organizations fill in the gaps of our failing capitalist government, it has never been so clear that collective, community-centered action is the only way forward. And how else would we (comics people) naturally seek to celebrate that drive than through comics and illustrations?
Who Contributed To This Book?
Comrade Himbo is an all-art manifesto on the strength of community, featuring 10 black & white comics and 9 full-color illustrations from 22 up-and-coming creators.
Comrade Himbo Contributors:
- Kendra Wells (Twitter/IG: @kendrawcandraw)
- Cameron DeOrdio (Twitter/IG: @StopGrammarTime)
- Cameron Lucente (mancameron.com)
- Max Dlabick (mdlabick.com)
- Cat Parra (Twitter/IG: @catparrts)
- Ninke Naujoks (Twitter: @NinekeyArt)
- Aim Ren Beland (aimren.com)
- stc019 (IG: @stc019_comix_boi)
- Eunice Lai (eunicelai.format.com)
- Mad Sparrow (madsparrowcomics.com)
- Ariel Vittori (arielvittori.com)
- Hayden Harwood (haydenillustrations.com)
- Farid Nad (farideacs.xyz)
- Jaime Aguilar (Twitter/IG: @guavajagular)
- Alina Wahab (IG: @obscureoccultist)
- Jaime Dear (http://deardearjai.me/index.html)
- Caroline Dougherty (Twitter/IG: @thousandwrecks)
- Maria Beatriz Carvalho (mariabelhas.com)
- Angelique Roselli (angeliqueroselli.com)
- CC Calanthe (Twitter: @presidentcc)
- Rachel Weiss (rachelweiss.work, Twitter: @rachelvice)
Comrade Himbo Cover:
- Mengmeng Liu (mengmengliu.com)
Comrade Himbo Editorial & Production:
How Can I Throw Money At This Book?
Stroll on over to the Comrade Himbo Kickstarter page to reserve your copy.
Where Can I Direct Press Inquiries For Comrade Himbo?
Please send any press or review inquiries to hello@pome-mag.com! Our whole editorial team and most of our creators are available for interviews upon request.