We can learn a lot from medieval art — maybe not how to deal with our current global hellscape or adapt to a world rapidly shaped by plague, but you know, there’s still a lot to unpack. Here are some medieval woodcuts to validate even your most petty gripes.
When your slightly younger friend brags about doing their taxes all by themselves.

When you show up an hour and a half late to a party but brought beer and paper plates.

When you get a notification that someone tagged you in a photo.

When your friends tell you that you don’t really need braces.

When your good pal Impostor Syndrome drops by.

When you’re 29 and it’s your birthday and you can celebrate the weight of your years treading across this hell-earth if you want to, damn it!!!!!

When you get any text at 3AM.

When he is gonna listen to that podcast you recommended, one way or another, goddamn it.

When you accidentally post it to the group chat.

When you’re a millennial who doesn’t really get hyped about the zodiac.

When you cheer on the teens standing up to corrupt politicians and silently retweet them without commentary because they’ve got a better handle on things than you do and you’re roughly twice their age.

When you’re horny on main.

A special thanks to the many museums, universities, and other research institutions that make medieval woodcuts both available and accessible, mostly within the public domain.These images have been lightly cleaned up, but not significantly retouched otherwise. You can find many of the woodcuts within this post on The British Museum website. Please give them money so that they can continue unearthing spooky butt demons we can show you in posts like these.