This blog post goes along with Moon Podcast Power: MAKE UP!! Episode 1 – David Lynch’s Sailor Moon Crystal. This is where we are dumping screenshots, goodies, and fun facts that go along with our podcast. We’re going through the episode from beginning to end, so you might want to have this blog post open along with the episode if you want to see what we’re talking about. We’re also providing the time things appear in the podcast, in case you want to go back and see what we were talking about.
Image sources: Left: Sailor Moon Crystal; right: original Sailor Moon anime (via Toei / Viz Media)
3:40: Usagi’s mom, then and now. Which look do you prefer? Both seem pretty neat to me.
6:42: One of the many awesome moments in the theme song.
10:09: Some would say that head-to-toe pastels are a bad fashion choice, but I am not one of those people. Haruna knows what’s up.
13:27: Okay so BERYL WASN’T REALLY IN THIS EPISODE??? I rewatched it so many times that it ‘s like my own personal Groundhog Day / hell. Many of those rewatches were spent looking out for Beryl. Never again. Here’s a screenshot of her gravity-defying cleavage (heh) from the opening credits anyway because if you bothered looking for this part in the blog, you’ve earned it, champ.
Image source: original Sailor Moon anime (via Toei / Viz Media)
14:16: Our Lady of the Blue Eyeshadow
Also, what’s going on with the redhead in the foreground?
Image source: original Sailor Moon anime (via Toei / Viz Media)
18:25: “He looks like Bebop and Rock Steady.” — CC’s boyfriend.
19:16 CC and Ashley discuss the characters’ ages. We said we’d get back to you, so:
Usagi: 14, 8th grade
Mamoru: Not specified, but in the manga, listed as: “guessed at 17 or 18.” Wikipedia says 17, in 11th grade (2nd year in high school — high schools in Japan are 10th-12th grade).
also lol yall remember how his name was DARIEN SHIELDS in the dub?
you guys
more like
27:03: We promised an embarrassing childhood story from Ashley, so here it goes:
In the summer between 5th and 6th grade, my mom got married and we moved into my stepdad’s house across town. When I started middle school, it was different from the school my old elementary school fed into, so I didn’t know a single person and had a hard time making friends. For some reason, one of the cool girls invited me to her Halloween party, and I was really nervous to go, but also excited to actually be invited to party. I showed up decked to the nines in my Queen Amidala costume, complete with plastic fan-bun hair, clown white on my face, and inexpertly applied red lipstick. Since it was a cool kid party and not a party more my speed, like an American Doll-themed all-girls sleepover, I was thrown by all the regular lights being replaced with blacklights, ample glowsticks, and an extreme absence of adults. I was made even more uncomfortable by the fact that I stood out as the only person in neck-to-toe red felt against all the girls who were dressed up as sexy genies (seriously, I don’t know what the deal was in the year 1999 but sexy genies were in I guess) and all the boys who were shirtless whatevers with fake blood. I talked to the two people I knew for about 10 minutes until they left to talk to other people, and then I texted my stepdad on my “emergency” cell phone and drank soda alone in a corner while all the other kids laughed and playfully booty danced and otherwise seemed to enjoy themselves until I got picked up. I’m still not a lot of fun at parties.
Image source: Ashley’s home archive
CC Note: I think Christina Aguilera’s “Genie in a Bottle” came out that year. However, there do not appear to be any genies in the music video, sexy or otherwise, so who knows.
“Well, Actually” notes:
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (via Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)
41:58: This seems like the only real screenshot-worthy plot difference, but this is the scene where the Youma threatens Naru in the manga. STILL, GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY’D SHE NEED TO KILL NARU FOR SEEING HER TRUE FORM YET SHE’S OKAY WITH KEEPING NARU’S MOM ALIVE, WHICH SEEMS HONESTLY MORE POTENTIALLY INCRIMINATING/RISKY??? I mean, any reason other than “killing Naru’s mom would make this story hella dark.”
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (via Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)
**47:23: While this was mentioned out of order in the podcast, these are Usagi’s neat goggles that kind of just disappear at some point in the manga.
As you probably know from the episode, in the Sailor Moon Says segment, we ascribe a moral to the episode based on the things that happen in it.
As we lack both the pep and the cheesy stock animation that the dub had, we have to inspire you in your day-to-day life in other ways. So, without further ado, here are some Very Pinteresting inspirational Sailor Moon Says images to help you through the hard times.
via Sailor Moon Crystal, but edited by CCvia Sailor Moon Crystal, but edited by CC
In “Well Actually…”, I asserted that Usagi’s goggles, rather than the lights in her hair-buns, alerted her about Naru being in danger. Well, actually, both her goggles and the blinking indicator on her hairdo alert her.
I use the term “fartleroy,” when I meant to say “fartlaroid.” “Fartleroy” is not a word, and “fartlaroid” is not applicable in the situation in which I used it.
As noted above, Queen Beryl actually shows up for real in Episode 2, not Episode 1.
In Episode 0, we claim to be the only explicit Sailor Moon Crystal podcast on iTunes. It turns out that we are the second explicit Sailor Moon Crystal podcast on iTunes. On the other hand, we are both the first explicit Sailor Moon Crystal podcast on iTunes to update in 2015, and the first explicit Sailor Moon Crystal podcast on iTunes hosted by women. Way to break through that glass ceiling, us!
Thanks for reading! Please let us know in the comments or on twitter @SailorPodcast if you:
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Would like me to keep doing this
While I don’t think it would be appropriate to do this every time, I just wanted to thank everybody who helped us get this podcast off the ground, and assure all of you listeners that we got pop filters before we recorded episode 2. I know we plug Astro_Kid in our episode notes, but once again, if you like our theme song, check out Astro_Kid’s soundcloud for more animestep / other cool jams.
I’m closing this post out with an unfortunately-timed screenshot of Tuxedo Mask.
Until next time, Sailor Guardians~~
All images in this article via Sailor Moon Crystal, via Toei Animation / Viz Media, unless otherwise specified.
If you prick your finger and write “Cat Fancy” on your mirror during a harvest moon, CC will appear behind you and make you put human clothes on your pets.
CC is Head Crone in Charge at POMEgranate Magazine, as well as the co-host of Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!!
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Today we’re covering Victoria Grace Elliott’s Please Be My Star: a Phantom of the Opera-tinged romance between two theater kids that dares to ask: can hotties be sickos??? [affectionate].