Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!! Episode 4: Listener’s Companion

Welcome back to the good old Sailor Moon Crystal Podcast Recap Blog neighborhood bar, where everybody knows your name and gives you dumb screenshots. Just to back track a little bit — this blog goes along with Episode 4 of Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!!, so check out this blog after you’re done listening. If you’re new to the podcast, you can start listening here on POMEmag or on iTunes. Don’t worry. We’ll still be here.


MPP News:

  •  We’re just going to update the podcast on Tuesdays from now on, mostly, probably. Look, you’re for sure definitely gonna get a podcast on either Monday or Tuesday.
  • As of this writing, none of you have fulfilled our [my] request for Dark Kingdom Startup AU fanart. I am just handing y’all this golden opportunity and you’re just like whatever CC, it’s fine, who needs an amazing idea for a AU. On the other hand, I just google image searched “startup bro” and there aren’t a lot of reference pictures that make any sense, so actually it’s okay, I understand.
  • We mention this in the most recent episode we recorded, but dang! We have 4 reviews and 6 ratings!!!!! Thanks, you guys!!!!


OK cool let’s just dive in then, shall we?


I’m going to acknowledge first and foremost that I know that this episode is a lot more serious in tone than our other episodes. Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!! takes consent very seriously. I’m sure you guys got that message loud and clear from the thirty plus minutes we spent exclusively talking about consent, but there you go.

02 blacklist

Mamoru “Bad Books” Chiba


03 shoujo manga

Here’s Usagi’s very definitely shoujo manga. Is this a real series? A very perfunctory googling has gotten me nowhere and I always do my due diligence for you guys.


Get ready for Rei and Ami having a moment:

07 having a moment

08 having a moment 2

Here is a selfie of Ashley and CC during this scene.


09 beryl living the dream

We didn’t mention this on the podcast but look at Beryl here living the good life.


The instagram I was thinking of was Bye Felipe. All the dudes screencapped on that blog are real gross though so NSFW warning.


10 usagis dad




Usagi’s dad is really fine you guys. Is this just a sign of getting older? I had very similar feelings after my recent Gilmore Girls rewatch when I was like “oh dang, I’m into it” about Luke without giving Ventimiglia de Milo a second look.


Wikipedia tells me that you have to be 20 to drink in Japan. I looked it up so now you don’t have to. We can all reconfigure our Luna DD AU right away.


11 usagi dress

Usagi’s princess dress in all its glory. The shoujo bubbles don’t match up what do you people want from me. I did the best I could.


12 everyones dresses

These poor randos totally got the shaft, costume-wise. Especially Ami. I have a vaguely-similar navy-blue version of her dress. I bought it in 2008 for too much money and I can’t bear to get rid of it, even though it looks dowdy af now. Oh, also, not pictured: Rei’s sweet tights, which are the best part of all three of these outfits.


21 shes all that




Hey guys, here is some life advice from Moon Podcast Power


Don’t do this

24 face touching



25 bad smooch





You’re welcome


22 aspirations


Can you even imagine how much this statue is worth?

This is what I learned:

Apparently, a flawless 3 carat diamond (because who are you kidding, we know Princess D has to have the best diamonds around) is worth ~$198,112.50. So this statue is worth ~$132,075,000


to make a statue of herself at her most weird-looking

and then travelled across the globe for the express purpose of making a bunch of rich randos dress up and look at the statue

like “now you’re all stuck here; behold, motherfuckers.”

I am obsessed with every part of this. I wish I was even a third the woman Princess D is.

I’m not saying that Queen Serenity had it coming, but who’s to say that the Silver Millenium wouldn’t still be around if Princess D was in charge? (lol jk she’d just spend the entire treasury on shit like this)



“Well Actually…” Notes:

WA 00 obama


(yall have probably seen this on tumblr but like Princess D, IDGAF)



WA 01 90s dresses
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)

Super 90s dresses plus bitchy Rei. I love it.

90’s fashion advice:

Can you add rosettes to it?

Great. Now make them almost as big as a human head.

Oh yeah, that’s much better.



WA 02 Mad Rei
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)

That hair flip tho

Seriously, where the fuck is this in Crystal? Instead, we get this:

nice rei

Stepford Rei

What has science done


This is the how the whole kiss thing goes down in the manga

WA 03 drunk usagi 01
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)
WA 04 drunk usagi 02
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)
WA 05 drunk usagi 03
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)

What do you guys think? Better? Worse? The same? Yall know where to find us. Let us know.


WA 06 umbrella
Image source: Sailor Moon manga (Kodansha / Naoko Takeuchi)

Naoko Takeuchi is an amazing goddess and an international treasure. We all owe her everything we have. #bless

Manga Mamoru just seems like so much more of a goofball and so much less of a rando, but only because he’s cuter and more surprised-looking IMO

but I am also superficial and arbitrary, so…


“Sailor Whoops” notes:

It’s kinda hard to get a snapshot of Luna talking without her mouth moving so I’m not gonna capture that for y’all.


25 whoops

What I would give for a skeleton drawn over this wonky af anatomy.

See also: this, but way way way less gross.

Because I am totally about to skimp out on the Sailor Moon Says section, here are some extra Sailor Whoopses.


All of the background extras repeat, which is sorta bananas considering how much their costumes stand out. On the other hand, of course they do. This is Sailor Moon Crystal.

Check out this ballroom

16 rando extras 2

ok now

really look at it

16 rando extras 2 highlighted

There’s more though:

15 rando extras

15 rando extras repeating


(I’d wear the heck out of that dress though)


Sailor Moon Says

Mine was pretty lame this week, plus yall got three last week, so here’s one good lesson by way of Ashley:

23 usagi snooze SMS
via Sailor Moon Crystal, but edited by CC



  • I know everybody’s gonna be up my butt about this one but as it turns out, the actual first Studio Ghibli film to use CGI was either Pom Poko or Princess Mononoke, depending on who you ask. The Howl’s Moving Castle screening I went to had some neat facts about how the parts of the castle were a combined traditional / CG animation effort and it was really cool, but I can’t remember so sorry.
  • The manga did not include some rando 90s thing as the picture in the newspaper instead of Obama. The pictures are of Sailor Moon and Princess D.
  • So it turns out the Comics Alliance article about New 52 Starfire that I was referring to was actually an io9 article. However, it’s about the same 7 year old girl (from 2011, god on a wheel why did I think this article was more recent????). 


This episode has sucked so many hours of my precious semi-youth away. But hopefully now that it’s over, we’ve all learned a lot about not smooching/creepy-face-touching* unconscious girls. 



*All face-touching that happens to unsuspecting, unconscious people is creepy.


As we said in the episode, we want you to tweet @sailorpodcast if you:

  • Are an animator
  • have feelings about emotional intelligence
  • have feelings about this episode
  • have feelings about hot anime dads
  • have feelings in a house
  • have feelings with a mouse
  • etc

We’re just going to get comfy and wait for those tweets to roll in.

til next week, suckers sailor senshi

All images in this article via Sailor Moon Crystal, via Toei Animation / Viz Media, unless otherwise specified.

CC Calanthe

CC Calanthe

If you prick your finger and write “Cat Fancy” on your mirror during a harvest moon, CC will appear behind you and make you put human clothes on your pets. CC is Head Crone in Charge at POMEgranate Magazine, as well as the co-host of Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!!

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