Since its trailer released on YouTube, it seems that every fanboy and fangirl has had an opinion on the cast and story. But now that the film has actually released, how many of the concerns were valid and how many where people blindly afraid of a new ghost? Vincent and David review the film and discuss the media haunting that has surrounded Ghostbusters. Contains SPOILERS!!!
Sidekicked Roll Call:
Vincent: Co-Host #AintAfraidOfNoGhosts
David: Co-Host #AintAfraidOfNoGhosts
Rachel: Designer #UkuleleWitch @rachelvice
Gabe Spookwell: Music #MusicGunslinger –
HQ: – #SmallPressComicsReviewsJuly2016
Twitter: @side_kicked | Instagram: sidekickedcomics | Email:
Sidekicked comics is part of the POMEcast network, without whom none of this would be possible. Our logo as been created by Rachel @rachelvice. Our music has been created by Gabe Spookwell – Most importantly, we would like to thank our listeners. Thank you for all your support!