Public Places to Barf: An Assessment

Do you ever feel like every day since the election has been a suffocating miasma of bone-chillingly foreboding news? Does constantly receiving inescapable, moment-to-moment digital updates about the ineptitude to straight-up malevolence of Trump’s transition team leave you feeling queasy for days on end? This assessment of public places to barf will help you find the best spots for, at the very least, relieving your physical malaise while you try to figure out how to process your emotional malaise.


Your glove compartment

Public places to barf: glove compartment


  • What were you using it for anyway, gloves?
  • Lock the world out while you puke
  • You can always roll the windows down later


  • Impossible to fully clean up, lbr
  • Does puke ruin jumper cables?
  • Might attract raccoons


In your boss’ desk

Public places to barf: boss' desk


  • Stick it to the 1% (or close enough)
  • Not your desk, not your problem (if you don’t get caught)


  • You will almost definitely get caught
  • Not as accessible as other puking locations
  • Temporarily elevated standard of puking might be discouraging for future pukes


In a downtown outdoor trash bin

Public places to barf: outdoor trash bin


  • Easy access
  • Cleanup not your problem
  • Grackle feed


  • Proximity to Street Pee
  • Your puke is probably the least gross thing in that trash can
  • Don’t encourage the grackles


Public Restroom (single occupancy)

Public places to barf: single occupancy restroom


  • Private enough to avoid setting off a public barfing chain reaction
  • Spacious enough to avoid getting caught in your own blast radius
  • Plenty of cleanup materials for stray pukes
  • Multiple surfaces to choose from (if you are a horrible person)


  • Potential poop smell
  • Public toilet contagions inescapable
  • Everyone who has to poop in there will hate you


Public Restroom (stalls)

Public places to barf: bathroom stalls


  • Moderate privacy
  • Stall doors block others from seeing your grim & nasty visage
  • Convenient toilet paper, if you need it


  • Confined space = getting caught in your own puke blast radius
  • Poop smell in surround sound
  • Chance of having to look a stranger in the eye


In a public park

Public places to barf: public park



  • Might get wrongly arrested for public intoxication
  • Your local ecosystem is 60% grackles, 30% possums, 10% raccoons


In a trashbag-lined purse


  • Convenient for onslaughts of mobile bad news while waiting in line
  • Easier cleanup
  • Most stylish way to be perpetually queasy



Just, anywhere. Literally anywhere, these days.


  • Feel your feelings
  • Everything happens so much
  • We live in an inescapable miasma of horrifying news


  • Relegating everyone around you to nauseous misery
CC Calanthe

CC Calanthe

If you prick your finger and write “Cat Fancy” on your mirror during a harvest moon, CC will appear behind you and make you put human clothes on your pets. CC is Head Crone in Charge at POMEgranate Magazine, as well as the co-host of Moon Podcast Power MAKE UP!!
Rachel Weiss

Rachel Weiss

Rachel is a designer and artist from Texas. She is pro-feminism, pro-crones, and pro-dogs. She's also Boss Crone at POMEgranate Magazine, and one day hopes to be able to drink her tea without so much milk and sugar.
A collage featuring the top 10 crones of the year for 2023.

Crones of the Year 2023

As we spiral ever further towards certain catastrophe on this interminable mortal coil, there are some lights of hope that pass fleetingly by. Most often: the crones or otherwise eternal baddies found in all of our favorite escapist media. And so we present our top ten 2023 Crones of the Year.

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POMEgranate Magazine