Introducing GROUP CHAT

We are super thrilled to announce a new project here at POMEmag: Group Chat! Group Chat is a print-only comics anthology about found family, friendship, and the people that have your back no matter what. Group Chat will be the first in a long line of comics we’re publishing through POME Press — these comics won’t be found online, but only in the beautiful binding of a love-filled book.

We need to see stories about friendship and community right now — stories about people supporting each other. We think that others might need those stories, too. So we decided to create a book that captured all those powerful feelings of love  and friendship.

And we’re currently accepting pitches! We are offering creative teams a $50 page rate for black-and-white comics, with a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 15 pages per story. Pitches are due on October 10th, with the final comic due in March. The book itself will be printed in time for TCAF in May! Find more details and the submission form over on the Group Chat website.

As of late last month, POME is officially three years old. We’re so excited to add on to what we do here at POMEmag with this anthology, and we hope to build an ever-expanding space where creators and readers can connect through meaningful work. Thanks for being a part of everything we’ve made so far, and we hope you love everything we’re going to show you throughout POMEmag’s third year.

Eternally yours,

The POME Crones,

CC & Rachel

Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.
POMEgranate Magazine