2018 started on a pretty bleak note. It had been a seemingly endless cycle of garbage news with no hope for respite from it all, but when the Queer Eye reboot burst onto the scene in February, it certainly gave people a reason to smile again.
While the Fab Five are all lovely, there’s one that seems to have a consistently life-affirming attitude — the one and only Jonathan Van Ness! Life is a stressful thing; bills, work, even just existing can feel like a heavy burden. But, if there’s one thing Queer Eye has taught us so far (aside from a good French tuck), it’s that Jonathan Van Ness is a ray of pure light. Sure, his optimism can’t solve every problem, but it can certainly make anyone feel a million times better. With that being said, if you pick a stressful task from the choices below, we’ll give you a JVN affirmation to help you power through!
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