Happy Holidays from POMEmag!


Happy holidays, friends! Your friendly neighborhood POME Editorial Crones will be back on Wednesday, December 27th with all the witchy internet for sensitive weirdos that your heart can take. In the meantime, we are leaving you these holiday pups, doggos, and floofs to keep your heart warm in our stead. Now get out of here and eat some snacks with your loved ones and friends!

Pomegranate Magazine

Pomegranate Magazine

POMEmag is the internet’s premier pastel, macabre feminist dork publication. Or at least, a very pastel, macabre feminist dork publication that is leaning into that identity pretty hard.
A collage featuring the top 10 crones of the year for 2023.

Crones of the Year 2023

As we spiral ever further towards certain catastrophe on this interminable mortal coil, there are some lights of hope that pass fleetingly by. Most often: the crones or otherwise eternal baddies found in all of our favorite escapist media. And so we present our top ten 2023 Crones of the Year.

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POMEgranate Magazine