It’s a pretty common practice for movie studios to announce untitled projects or to delay films during production. When Fox announced two new untitled superhero films, no one batted an eye until they also announced that Gambit, a movie they’d been hyping for months, was being pulled from the release calendar. What could these new mystery films be? Don’t worry, the boys at Sidekicked are on the case!
Sidekicked Roll Call:
Vincent: Co-Host #WantsAMessiahComplexMovie
David: Co-Host #WantsAnAgeOfApocalypseMovie
Rachel: Designer #UkuleleWitch @rachelvice
Gabe Spookwell: Music #MusicGunslinger –
HQ: #OnKyloRenAndStarWarsBranding
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Sidekicked comics is part of the POMEcast network, without whom none of this would be possible. Our logo as been created by Rachel @rachelvice. Our music has been created by Gabe Spookwell – Most importantly, we would like to thank our listeners. Thank you for all your support!