Summoning the Mother of Cats

This article is a part of Spellbook Week 2017.


Summoning the Mother of Cats page 1 moon Summoning the Mother of Cats page 2 ingredients Summoning the Mother of Cats page 3 summoning Summoning the Mother of Cats page 4 questions Summoning the Mother of Cats page 5 walk in peace

Caitlin Zellers

Caitlin Zellers

Caitlin is a comic artist and cat mom living deep in the weirdness of Austin, Texas. She's super excited to be contributing to POME! You can find her lurking around the comic shop, art supply store, or anywhere they serve pizza with extra mushrooms.

Crones of the Year 2024

So much has changed in the ten years since we first began collecting and cataloging the great crones of our time, but much yet remains the same. Namely: our continued commitment to evil hag representation in media.

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POMEgranate Magazine