
Afternoon Snack

Friends and comrades, welcome back to Afternoon snack! This week we bring you new ttrpgs to throw your money at, some curséd apparel, and queer

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Afternoon Snack

Welcome back to the snack zone! We are refreshed and semi-ready for 2022, and we hope you’re doing okay too! Here’s a quick and sweet

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Afternoon Snack

Presented without context, because y’all already know the world is literally on fire, but just a reminder: There’s no crying in the Snack Zone. It

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Afternoon Snack

Apropos of nothing, no reason at all, just daydreaming, here are ten paintings of Judith beheading Holofernes, ranked. Beloved cartoonist Kate Beaton speaks out on

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Afternoon Snack

Welcome to (pretty much) September 2015! As our lives rapidly pass us by, let’s take a moment for science fiction, science (speculative) fiction, dudes being The

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POMEgranate Magazine