
Afternoon Snack

Dear Reader, we didn’t write you a Valentine this year. We did see all these things on the internet though, and we thought of you.

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Afternoon Snack

Happy February, POMEs! We hope that your 2016 is feeling more comfortable and well-worn as we start the second month of this slightly-less-new year. Here

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Afternoon Snack

Happy belated holidays, POMEs! If you are back to your normal responsibilities after a brief vacation, we hope that you are able to power through until

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Afternoon Snack

Happy Monday, POMEs. Here are some links and things to help you get through the first day of the week.     Let’s start this Monday

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Afternoon Snack

Hello, lovely POMEs. We’re still recuperating from getting bit by a radioactive crone last week, but here are some neat things that have happened between

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Breakfast Food

How can you have an afternoon snack if you haven’t even eaten breakfast? This Origins Week linkpost is full of thinkpieces articles focusing on the histories and inceptions

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Afternoon Snack

POMEmag hopes that wherever you are on this sweltering almost-August afternoon, this list of links can help you stay cool.     The eternal question: “How

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Afternoon Snack

It’s the most horrible time of the year here at POMEmag headquarters as the temperature rapidly shifts from “swampy mess” to “sauna hell.” To distract

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POMEgranate Magazine