
Afternoon Snack

Hello POMEs!  The days are growing shorter and the frost of winter is slowly creeping upon us. We hope this finds you warm and sheltered

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Afternoon Snack

While we sit here mourning the passing of Halloween, 2015, and our quickly-fleeting youths, we’re bringing you some interesting links to distract you from the fact

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Hors D’oeuvres

Welcome to Masquerade Week on POMEmag, a fantastic week-long evening of mystery, intrigue, and things that are not what they seem. This week’s link post features

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Afternoon Snack

Happy Monday, POMEs! What better way to spend a beautiful October day than by reading about neat stuff over some fresh, cute anime food? Make a

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Afternoon Snack

Happy Monday, POMEs. Here are some links and things to help you get through the first day of the week.     Let’s start this Monday

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Afternoon Snack

Hello, lovely POMEs. We’re still recuperating from getting bit by a radioactive crone last week, but here are some neat things that have happened between

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Breakfast Food

How can you have an afternoon snack if you haven’t even eaten breakfast? This Origins Week linkpost is full of thinkpieces articles focusing on the histories and inceptions

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Afternoon Snack

Thank you for being a POME! Traveled down the POME and back again Your heart is POME, you’re a POME and a POMEfidant Happy Monday

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Afternoon Snack

Welcome to (pretty much) September 2015! As our lives rapidly pass us by, let’s take a moment for science fiction, science (speculative) fiction, dudes being The

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Afternoon Snack

Welcome to August. Today’s topic – skorts: inexcusable fashion nightmare, or cleverly-disguised chub rub prevention tactic? You be the judge. Also, here are some things to

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Afternoon Snack

POMEmag hopes that wherever you are on this sweltering almost-August afternoon, this list of links can help you stay cool.     The eternal question: “How

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Afternoon Snack

Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime POMEs. It’s a lovely Tuesday afternoon, so have a link or two while you impatiently wait

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POMEgranate Magazine